From the time of beginning and the USA is a symbol of freedom and progress.....
USA has many abilities which allow it to play a n important role all over the world .....
USA has many abilities which allow it to play a n important role all over the world .....
FIRST : the usa has a great human abilities ..... genius people working in enhancement human life and making a great discoveries in all fields
science progress in USA is the best all over the world as the government spend more than 70 billion $$ / year on education and science
this is very helpful in making a great nation with a best science technology and invention .
science progress in USA is the best all over the world as the government spend more than 70 billion $$ / year on education and science
this is very helpful in making a great nation with a best science technology and invention .
SECOND : The geographic position of the usa making it near the pacific and atlantic ocean ... wow this is characteristic with easy bathway also to the indian ocean >>>>>>>>
this position make usa near all the world with easy transport with other continent
this position make usa near all the world with easy transport with other continent
THIRD : the military power
no one can deny that the usa the the strongest military power all over the world with the most recent weapons researches...... the american soliders had proven their great power in every where of the world as afghanastan , iraq, somali, phillipines, and syria .....
FOURTH : the great relationship the USA have with all of the countries in world
this make the USA agreat nation playing an important role in solving all the argument and disputes all over the world
last i wish all of us pray to GOd to bless america and protect it from all evil and enemies